“Inspiring, she makes me want to keep learning!”
Click to learn more about each topic
Topic 1: The Purpose and Development of Your Personal Brand
We understand why companies and products have brands but did you know that you are a brand as well. Whether you work for a great company, freelance or a budding to successful entrepreneur your personal brand is the easiest and fastest way to promote yourself and establish that instant rapport and connection.
Topic 2: You are what you think… Or are you? The Emotional Intelligence Success Formula
When we understand that thoughts, words and actions have on not only ourselves but others we become uber aware of the emotional impact and imprint we are making. Creative thinking, leadership and communication has a cultural impact on or workplaces and society. Your high level of Emotional Quotient or EQ is the difference between paltry and passionate, combative and compassionate. Emotional and creative thinkers will be the future of visionary leaders and pave the path to success.
Topic 3: The Growth Factor with Authentic Speaking
Did you know that speaking is the fastest way to build your business no matter what role you play what products or services you sell, effective communication is the key to connection, influence and engagement and your clients saying yes to you. Learn the proven and most effective STAGING Method of speaking. Keynotes, trainings, corporate trainings and customized trainings available.
Topic 4: People Powered Leadership
There is one school of thought that as a leader you need to build more leaders and another opposite thought that leaders just need strong followers, the best leaders have the power to ignite both and mostly understand great leadership is not about anything other that building people.
Topic 5: The Art of Story Telling
What makes one person more engaging than another, yes, the adage of “he or she who tells the best story wins!” The ability to understand the science behind storytelling and the power it has on connecting with others. If you are in the business of buying, selling, providing a service and everything in between your story/ies will determine your level of success. I can prove it!
Topic 6: Hire a Fabulous Facilitator or Panel Host for your next event!
Yes, the boring panel and yet when surveying attendees from several events the session that was most discussed during and after the event was the panel. It usually has some high-level experts all in one room ready to share the nuggets of morsels to your hungry attendees. The problem with panels is not your panelist is it usually the host. When you gather high-end valued speakers invest in high end expert facilitator. That will ensure a successful panel and event.
Topic 7: Customized Topic for a Keynote or Session?
Having a Specialty or Themed Event and looking for quality and qualified engaging speaker to develop a talk customized to your event or training. Bonnie has presented to thousands of people and prepared and presented on several topics.
Are you ready to be a speaker or grow your speaking business ? Check Out Brand Me and STAGES!
Join Me for the launch of Brand ME, February 2019
Your D.I.Y. Online program to connect with your greatest asset, Your Personal Brand! ,Find out more....
STAGES is a 2 Day Live Event designed to up level You as a speaker and educator. Join me in Fall 2019 in Atlanta, GA to be transformed and connect to the real You! Find Out more…