Welcome Beauty, Health and Wellness Companies, authors and providers to BEaUty Inside and Out Show, and your opportunity for
You to Connect with over 50,000 Beauty Consumers Monthly!
I understand…It’s tough to get noticed!
However, if you are ready to make and impact and reach the ideal beauty consumers through the fastest growing medium, Live Radio Shows and Podcasts, then I am ready to make that happen!
First, ask yourself is this you?
Have you asked yourself how do I get my product or service more recognized not by just more people but the right people (buyers)?
Is your social media campaign falling flat or immeasurable?
Do you have a unique product or service that requires more education to get sold?
Is traditional print advertising too costly and lacks results?
Are you getting followers and likes but not profits?
Are you looking for a way that doesn’t feel like selling and telling but sharing, connecting and experiencing?
Do you have a product, service or technique that fills a specific need?
Are you a new company with limited resources and eager to get noticed?
You know you have something good to share but flat advertising is not enough to get noticed
You have the best kept beauty secret and it’s frustrating to not have the growth you expected!
Maybe you are even at the point where you are concerned you won’t make your sales quota or be profitable?
You feel stuck because you don’t have large funds to do the kind of advertising that you think it needs to get noticed
You are getting tired of pitching your product yourself and it feels inauthentic
You’re convinced that without some kind of advertising you may not grow at all
You fear your competitors will exceed or steal your ideas
Maybe you don’t have competitors and that’s makes it harder to share your message or product
I get it…
The greatest form of advertising is word of mouth. Having endorsements, testimonials and authentic shares of your product or service through connective “edvatorial” opportunities. (education and adverting)
Really, I understand… I was lost in how to connect without feeling “salesy”; I didn’t have funds to do big advertising or even small advertising. My social advertising got me more likes but not more sales. My products are to be experienced by someone to really understand them fully, so unless others were talking about it or trying it, it was a hard sale and a very frustrating process.
Check out my offers below to support your brand campaign and promotion to maximize, amplify and increase your sales!
So, my Question to you is…
What if you;
No longer felt overwhelmed by selling your product one person at a time
No longer felt discouraged because you were not growing fast enough
No longer had to hustle, grind or chase people down to buy from you
Had a cost effective advertising opportunity that could share you and your brand
Could share your story and purpose with anyone at any time with ease
That YOU Have a voice in the #1 google ranking internet talk radio in the industry, plus the other syndicated outlets to Maximum Success!
What if there was an easy and affordable approach to supporting you in your message,
strengthening your brand and sharing it with 1000’s over and over again.
What if it was live and alive and evergreen so others could connect to your message,
your story, your brand 24/7
You don’t need 100, 000 followers to make an impact you need specific and passionate buyers that will connect with your brand, buy your products or services and share your message with others.
“I knew I had a voice, I didn’t believe it was a radio voice but I found my authentic calling in sharing, expressing information and knowledge along with simple tips to consumers to inform, educate and inspire them to make better decisions, not just on their outer BEaUty but their inner BEaUty as well. After years of working for beauty corporations and now as a beauty entrepreneur, I discovered my passion for connecting and sharing knowledge. I created a platform for others to share their passion and fully express beauty from the inside out. With over 30 years of beauty industry experience, I’ve witnessed the desire for consumers to want more, demand more and expect more.”
Why Others Love this Platform and this Show!
Are you emotionally connecting to your ideal consumer?
Do you even know who they are?
Would you like to know more of how Sponsorship and Advertising can help you connect?
Why Flat Advertising doesn’t work as well today…
You usually have to choose strong concept image or text approach- too much or too little of
either doesn’t workExpensive and competitive to advertise in trade journals or consumer beauty magazines
Non-educational or non-connective experience
Focus on facts not emotion and story
Even video advertising like YouTube is a high commitment to watch unless professionally done
and that can cost thousandsThe one and done approach with print is not cost effective if you need to make several impressions to reach a single buyer
Guest appearance’s provide the education consumers need to make informed decisions today that enhances beauty and transforms lives!
Get additional consulting support of how to best craft your message and brand for consumers to emotionally connect with you and then your product and then have them be loyal followers to your company.
Be empowered to grow your brand and breakthrough the confusion of how to monetize your marketing dollars.
Discover the intimacy of live radio and how the impact it can be for you
Archived programs that stay evergreen and permanent that you can use in your sales strategy or marketing campaigns
Build trust and loyalty with consumers as they get to know you from the inside out.
Watch your company grow because your potential customers feel as though they know you not just your product info.
Get weekly mentions, endorsements and 24/7 digital access to your brand
Solve their problems and win their hearts with your message and passionate approach to sharing and caring
Cross over to millions of loyal listeners to get your product company or service noticed
BEaUty Inside and Out Packages
My Brand’s Date with Bonnie (Only 6 Available)
1 Exclusive Guest Spot (player option available to add to your website plus the Video)
1 Banner Ad placement for 3 months on BEaUty Inside and Out Website, eCard promotion, Bonnie Bonadeo Radio Host Page on Website (752x90)
1- 30 second commercial spot ( played 1 time during break for show and on 12 other shows (provide ad or script for host to to record, embedded in your show forever for a lifetime of impressions)
Plus Live endorsements or your brand
$4997.00 Value for only $997.00
Check out our other packages the Full Glam, Natural BEaUty and Touch Up Packages Here
If you are ready don’t miss out the additional Bonuses and Support I am offering right now to maximum return!
Bonuses When Your Purchase the My Brand Date with Bonnie Package!
Complimentary Consultation
Review your brand strategy for the live show to maximize exposure, gain more emotional connection and have the greatest long lasting impact.
($500.00 Value)
Review of Your Offer
How to make it evergreen and strategically focused to grow your brand.
($350.00 Value)
Brand Me DIY Online + Coaching Program
Participate in a 6- week Live and Online Group Coaching and Training Program of How To Authentically Sell Yourself and Your Business!
($997.00 Value)
Over $1800.00 in offerings with a customized sponsor and advertising package.
What would it be worth to you to…
Stop wasting weeks, months and years of doing the same thing and getting the same results
Increase your connection and loyalty with not only your current consumers but new consumers
Increase your sales and profits
Have more time developing new products or services or expanding your company
Fulfill your purpose and your mission for others
Finally live the lifestyle you have dreamed about because you are working smarter not harder.
Are you ready to have a different approach, and have different results?
Are you ready for easy and affordable yet effective branding opportunities?
What if you could share your passion and have it be
available 24/ 7 to keep sharing?Are you ready to get connected and Go Live in 5, 4, 3 ,2….
Buy “My Brands Date with Bonnie”
Set up your Complimentary and Customized Consultation (30 min)
Call me today on my Cell Phone 623-810-9663