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Click the button below to download your Building a Brand Identity with Stories eBook.

Hey there,

Thanks for being in action and downloading the Brand Me Story Template. The world is ready to hear your story, and your ideal clients are waiting to find you.

Of course, we know there is more to branding and telling good stories, you seem like a person ready to get your biz on… I want to encourage you to set up a complimentary session with me, Click Here to determine if you have your brand story, ideal client avatar, and more…

I understand the struggle it takes to build a successful brand, and I am here to help, don’t take the time and make all the mistakes I did… Your success is waiting, and I want to help you Connect to the Best YOU Possible!

Don’t Forget to ask about the Brand Me Online + Coaching Program dates, which are Story Curating and Brand Building in overdrive!

Bonnie Bonadeo, SOS Salon Coach, Brand Me Marketing Agency